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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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a wave of antiwar protests in turkey with activists accusing the government of. authorized possible military action against syria. the balance of books by laying off thousands of soldiers while still throwing billions at malfunctioning military machine. plus fourteen years of textbook socialism put to the test in venezuela hundreds of thousands fled the capital in support of job just ahead of sunday's elections.
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here on our to today. show live in moscow what began as a peaceful antiwar demonstration turned very ugly in the turkish capital ankara after riot police moved in to disperse the crowd officers are fired tear gas water cannons as well as smoke grenades with many by standards also getting caught up in the melee thousands also poured into the streets of istanbul to demonstrate against the policies of turkey's ruling party excusing it of singing to the chief of the united states but the wave of popular discontent was sparked by the parliament's approval of cross border military action in syria which could ultimately pave the way to a full scale war more on that now from our middle east correspondent here's paula. they were chanting slogans that syria is our friend and that we are against war but they clashed with police. firing rounds of tear gas and more people are
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concerned that the border tensions could disintegrate into a regional conflict on thursday the turkish parliament held a closed door emergency session in. which a bill was overwhelmingly passed that allows the turkish military to carry out cross border operations against syrian targets now this is in period for a year it has been defended by the turkish government that says it has the right to defend itself it is a pains to point out that this is not a declaration of war and that and operate in conjunction with international bodies the turks are responding to a syrian mortar that was fired on wednesday it killed five took his citizens two of them women and three of them children while they were preparing a meal to keep immediately responded by firing into syrian territory and this offensive continued until the early hours of thursday morning now by all accounts
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there were several syrian soldiers who were killed tookie also responded by going on the offensive in the political arena an emergency meeting of nato was hold on wednesday so as i say an extremely volatile situation that we're keeping a close watch on. because one of paula's live reporting right there were media reports suggest that turkey has carried out around seventy strikes against syria killing a dozen soldiers and destroying heavy weaponry however says it has no intentions of starting a war with syria at least political analyst are short of either one who says that he doesn't necessarily have to engage in direct military action against the embattled state in order to defeat it. turkey's declared war on syria long time ago this is the arab league on endeavor to lose the war they've supplied weapons and they've supplied training assistance they have harbored you know gunmen in jihad just on their territory so so you know turkey's at a situation now crossroads where they cannot seem to get the international system
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thing need to sort of you know do a last clutch against the assad regime and they cannot get a u.n. security council resolution to authorize these things and this may be you know setting the groundwork a pretext for a backdoor into military intervention because of course turkey then caught it can call on its nato allies to to assist in its sensually the nato allies who would anyways do you know a military confrontation with with the assad regime if there was a u.n. security council resolution so now and there are questions about this is this the false why you know operation to to sort of set the grounds for military intervention there's been many false narratives over syria i think this is just another one. and in the meantime the un's most powerful body has called for her strength from both ankara and damascus has a strong need to cry and syria's deadly attacks on talk of citizens with the latest
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now from the u.n. security council in new york is our team's morning of portnoy. well the u.n. security council agreed and issued a presidential statement strongly condemning wednesday's mortar attack by syria on a turkish border town that as we already heard as killed people and injured several others the council called on the syrian government to fully respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors and the called on all concerned parties to exercise maximum restraint a presidential statement issued by the council also demanded that quote such violations of international law stop immediately and are not repeated mortar fire from syria had its in turkey on wednesday and that's when the security council began deliberating this presidential statement earlier on thursday the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon also voiced his alarm at escalating tensions along the syrian turkish border and the u.n. itself there's a lot of divisions over how to solve this crisis that it escalates and everybody
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within the security council in the u.n. is trying to ease tensions that are growing not only within syria but now on the border between syria and turkey. the more analysis on the story of course at all it's called but also fight for the ripple effect the old running syrian crisis is sending to its neighboring states iraq happens to be one of them in about twenty five minutes from now we told you the country's prime minister says he will not be brought to syria through these four years. this is our now the british army is the latest victim of the country's seemingly endless all sturdy drive with eight thousand fewer u.k. soldiers reporting for duty come the new year but it's a boy who reports when it comes to funding expensive war toys britain apparently has money to. the number of soldiers in the british army is being cut back by a fifth as you can see here that's quite
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a significant reduction is going to mean the smallest british army since before the napoleonic wars eight thousand u.k. troops face christmas as unemployed civilians defense secretary philip pam and insists the cuts a necessary to balance the defense budget yet at the same time the u.k. is committed to remaining one of the biggest military spending is in the world well any modern army even if it cuts its troops needs up to date equipment but take a look at these the british government has spent some two billion pounds on developing remote control attack drones since two thousand and seven but homegrown u.k. drones don't have a good track record how about the watch keeper drone this nifty piece of military equipment has already cost the u.k. taxpayers eight hundred million pounds it was meant to be up and flying by now it isn't yet ready and now running two under half years late the want to keep its
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predecessor it was a drone called the phoenix that proved so unreliable that an army suckles it became known as the bugger off because it often left on missions never to return the phoenix was such an epic fail that it was used as an example of the quote dismal failure of the british built drone for systems engineering students in one u.k. university and the cost of this techno flop two billion pounds in fact the ministry of defense is attempt to balance its books has actually contributed to an increase in spending on equipment something those troops facing their final paycheck in the coming weeks will find hard to stomach. r.t. . well imo stories features videos analysis for you always in store on the website and including for example an adult off in the big apple jewish and christian activist groups respond to an anti islamist poster campaign with a message of tolerance. and an eleven year old boy from northern siberia he has
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made a mammoth discovery uncovering the near complete remains of a thirty thousand year old preacher buried in the park. it's good to have you with us here on r.t. today after a long and bitterly fought campaign venezuela is now braced for presidential elections on sunday but both are that it's incumbent on his rifle and. certainly made the most of their last day on the trail hundreds of thousands of people attended a rally led by chavez and a display of solidarity with his socialist agenda. viewed as the polar opposite of being a company president on nearly every policy he wants to privatize the venezuelan economy scrap welfare programs and stands for closer ties with the u.s.
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and south american political analyst he says that it's no surprise that washington wants to see chavez go. here seeking the stans which is very highly respected throughout many of these of latin america so you that the united states. not just in the middle east but worldwide and not so much are attacked by the united states especially at a time when in two thousand and eight the united states has reactivated the south atlantic fleet and they now have a very strong military presence throughout latin america in the south atlantic just as they have engineered insurrection and civil war which seems to be washington specializes. now in the so-called arab spring in many theaters here in latin america we will be seeing a latin american spring with different characteristics but where the united states will meddle in the in sort of affairs of countries like venezuela and they will even trigger and activate a generalized latin american spring this will be turmoil social unrest and even
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civil war. and another battle for power at this time in the u.s. that saw incumbent obama all say why the president first of televised tough old leftist supporters called some critics slam the entire us electoral system for a lack of real choices. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is doctors landed near brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after costing hundreds of kilometers of snow a wilderness as a boy here suffering from fever and the doctors are going to see what they can do.
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inside a small building not one but two babies and their parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better can spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in the they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so all medical problems simply fixed here in the tent. they used to be but now we can go to civilized places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals
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exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations vladimir firmly dismisses imperial there is not troops usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we reproach locals for waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is confident the diva after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north. more news today violence has once again flared up if these are the images. from the streets of canada. china operations are all day.
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thanks for joining us here on our to today on the research in the u.s. presidential candidates barack obama and mitt romney they addressed their supporters following the first t.v. debate and the polls showed romney overwhelmed incumbent obama in the duel
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commanding the ninety minute debate but rocky anderson a presidential candidate for the justice party thinks the two parties ultimately dominating u.s. politics is unhealthy for the country. i left the democratic party and helped form the justice party because now the republican and democratic parties are simply one do awfully they have a stranglehold on our electoral system from the stage of getting on the ballot all the way through the debate process and they have both been bought and paid for by the same special interest we have a plutocracy not a democracy in the united states where our government is up for sell to the highest bidder romney would bring us along the same path that led to the economic disaster in two thousand and eight with huge tax cuts for the wealthy enormous deficits low unemployment rates and president obama has
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a pathetic record he's the only president that has presided over three years of unemployment of over eight percent that absolutely can be changed who we know that that's what the american people want it's simply that we don't have those elected to office that are willing to take on the special interests. now a chinese own company is suing president barack obama off a block from building wind farms not far from the u.s. military base at the justification for the ban was national security concerns the first such abuse of the law in twenty two years and its lawsuit the firm says obama overstepped his authority and acted in an unlawful mannah president professor joseph chang he believes it's just part of an effort to limit china's range. i know not to are now trying to. and it is
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a certain belief in discrimination against i know there are two levels of concerns over the recent one is the general in command of the united states to china trying to sort of the new ones to the countries that the world and it is to acquire technology management nor and so on from that you're not disgrace and other western countries the other concern of course is the you know action. gimmicks or you action campaign politics is a literary under time no reason president action contains tendency on up to ten days to engage in time your mastery state did in so and bash a new and eighty's and ninety's. art into the artsy world up there we go starting with the jordanian capital amman that's where hundreds of police are lining the streets to keep order during upcoming massive rallies around two hundred thousand
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supporters of king of dollars reforms under fifty thousand because of the opposition the muslim brotherhood party the cartney gathering for peaceful demonstrations at the same venue the king dissolved parliament clearing the way for new elections he pledged to introduce more reform aiming to avoid the arab spring style on the rest of the country has already faced nearly twenty months of protests with people demanding more say in how the state is run. eighty seven people jailed in two newsier for storming the u.s. embassy may be sentenced to death this according to their lawyers back in september an angry mob attacked the diplomatic headquarters in the capital tunis before being met by a strong response from riot police for demonstrators were killed and many more injured in follow up clashes. incident came in the wake of furious anti american protests by muslim communities across the globe over u.s. produced film that mocked the prophet muhammad. now the repercussions from the war
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in afghanistan have now reached as far away as india where entire farming communities are being devastated by the influx of cheap afghan heroin with addiction tainting every aspect of life and anger over the issue is being directed at the us which refuses to go off to afghan drug lords on their vos plantations for fear of driving them into the arms of the insurgency. to reports. almost two thousand kilometers from the war zone in afghanistan and women like smith rocor are fighting a battle of their own in punjab india and i doubt it you know my son lives with me we were asked his father to drugs and recently lost his brother to drugs everyone in the neighborhood is taking up drugs and if my son or i then who will look after the children going in. once known as one of the most prosperous states in india
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punjab is now one of the biggest drug trafficking hubs in the world officials say most of the confiscated drugs are coming from nearby afghanistan the largest global producer of opium and the situation is getting worse the united nations has reported that opium production has more than doubled in afghanistan since the united states invaded the country in two thousand and one critics say that nato and the united states have not done enough to eradicate the narcotics producing poppy fields which they say is the afghans biggest source of income. is such a culture would lead is such a bankrupt lead used to its condition. trysts. of resistant to anything you see the community is hardened it's of so much so they're not going to listen to you if you see looks on the news you know start going on wheat the drug addiction problem in punjab is becomes so bad that at
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spirit say that one in three people are actually addicted to drugs and in this area alone people say that seventy percent of the people between the ages of fifteen and thirty five are addicted to drugs and that's not good news for these women smithville corps community has now become known as the village of widows because of all the men who have died from drug addiction. now many bring their children to. this school where sixteen percent of the six hundred fifty children are orphaned most of their parents died from drug related debts mainly through private donations they are all able to get an education for free but it's little consolation for what many fear could become a lost generation in punjab if more action against drug trafficking isn't taken again i think if something happens to my son to happen to the family where will we go can i bring them up my so. far from the bullets and explosives in afghanistan
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the people of punjab wonder how they too can escape the war that has started to impact millions of their own preassure either r t m rights or india. or let's explore russia's energy rich ok waters with business good to see you today marina putting are saying recently that foreign investment is key for the country's growth and apparently the doing something about it yes they are already and basically what the country is considering is allowing access and its licenses and five to foreign companies to drill for oil in its energy rich arctic waters russia is of course the biggest producer of crude so this is very interesting for any foreign investor and still more about this leisure in our very own art scene or hello there and they can now my question to you is what served as this ice breaker for making russia consider allowing access and licenses in five to arctic shelf.
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cost and difficulty of getting the oil and gas. the government here is aware that it needs the western financial backing and technical exited expertise to make it happen now a number of deals have already been done on those with. the us from italy and the ways. to sweeten that take hold alexander the energy minister is suggesting that the government. oil firms to oil under the ground now this would be a radical break. tradition which is to only allow the. soldiers. to show production but give you an idea of how much money they need to bring in. a plan to drum up one trillion dollars worth of investment in the russian oil industry by twenty twenty. all right thank you very much for bringing us up to the
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latest developments there that was our tease and we have a little bit of time left so let's take a look at some international markets will start with the europe where there it's everything optimistic and upbeat as investors await the latest u.s. jobs report due out later in the day we see that the footsie and the german dax are gaining around half a percent now i want to stay with the europe and the talk about greece and particular and that is because the country saying that its economy could go belly up by the end of november without the next tranche of the bailout e.u. officials are now in athens scrutinizing the nation's spending cuts which is a condition for receiving the aid and the next installment the thirty one billion euros and without it greece will have to default on its debts. also fitch agency says pain's biggest threat is its intensifying recession spain is resisting making the request for aid and is expected to see its economy shrink this will
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result from currently high unemployment levels and massive spending cuts if its ratings agency has a triple be writing for spain up in moments with a negative outlook. and not a sense of what the markets we have here and b r t s m i six continue getting in over one and a half percent as the spines of recent drop in oil prices what they're trying. to see in across the board as well are earlier in the session now if we move on and continue looking at her. we'll see that the euro continues to drop against the us dollar but it's still more or less flat when the comes to the ruble it's gaining against the currency basket and now let's stay aware that there euro zone as i mentioned the euro there and talk about samsung electronics which of course we know that it is it is reported record profits in the third quarter driven by strong sales all of the galaxy smart phones electronic drawings operating profit jumped ninety one percent to seven billion dollars which is almost all last year's figure
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and the higher than analyst expectations it's not all peaches first time soon as that is currently battling apple over patents ever sound so let's move on to facebook hopefully which says that the number of active monthly users has top one billion right now it's roughly half of the internet users in the world and double the social network scored two years ago the average age of a facebook user is twenty two and their country of origin is likely to be brazil india or indonesia analysts say the latest milestone raises questions whether facebook can actually profit from its giant user base. and there you have it some interesting statistics on facebook i had thought that the all of the in space for facebook was a bit younger we are you on facebook. sometimes but not as often as some people i know that. way so you're just going to hear a lot so you will be back with introspective interview with the iraqi prime
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minister the issues or the syrian crisis and how to ease tensions across the arab world hope to see you in just a sec. mission and free accreditation free transport charges free the measurements free risk free studio time free. download free blogs just plug in video for your media projects a free media oh don the r t dot com.
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